




The Americas should take over eurovision! If we dance and sing together as a continent, good god. we will do excellently on a big music competition.

Will we win? Who knows. Sure will look cool as hell on TV though. I read that a lot of people are dropping out of the contest. Americas! As a continent, we should find out why the hell so many contestants are dropping out or refusing to participate.

Big Question: Why are people leaving Eurovision?

Here are some quotes i found:

vladimir putin’s invasion of ukraine forced russia to withdraw before 2023.

I’ve met some folks from Russia who wish that man would stop wrecking their lives to pursue his vision of a fallen Soviet Union. Recent election ads suggest most people in his own nation are terrified for their lives if they don’t vote for Putin.

Naturally Putin responded by throwing a tantrum. He blew a hole in the budget to punish a contest for disqualifying his nation: “The fee has been affected by Russia's ban from the contest due to its invasion of Ukraine: the sizeable contribution the country made has created a hole in the budget, leading to increased fees for remaining participants.”

Tim Gallagher, EuroNews

Norma Jeane “Marilyn Monroe”

Living in an orphanage when she married at age 16

Right: if I try to summarize recent controversies I’ll sound ignorant. My friends tell me about eurovision but i remain perplexed.

I know this year many contestants dropped out because of “personal reasons” including family health emergencies. Others withdrew based on their objections to the actions of the state of Israel. It’s disturbing to me how many contestants have either deceased or suddenly ill family members - although if you WikiPedia famous artists a staggering number of them come from very FULL OF DEAD/MISSING PEOPLE families.

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Why are so many contestants leaving or dropping out?

I had no clue until recently. Not sure how many Americans watch Eurovision but I don’t, usually: I’m never really sure when it’s even on. I noticed that one celebrated star, Joost Klein, belongs to the same club as I do:

The Dead Or Missing Dad Club. You’d think that there wouldn’t be that many members in a “first-world” country like the United States of America but... well, I don’t know how to tell y’all this politely but we have been hoodwinked to a degree I’d call “silent genocide.”

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Saint Louis Dead/Missing Dad Club

Freda Josephine Baker and I were born in the same city. We look different and are from different generations. My mom survived and protected me. Still, it’s both sad and terrifying that girls like us somehow wind up orphans or half-orphans or adopted under mysterious circumstances.

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“What heals trauma … Does trauma heal trauma? Does negativity heal negativity? It doesn’t work like that,” she told The Associated Press. “The only thing that heals trauma for real — this is science — is love.”

-Loreen, Swedish Eurovision Champion (2x)

I think that nations should have the chance to call for free and fair elections. Why don’t we rally for that together as a great big ZOOM song competition?

I will dance for an americas team.

Not “The United States of America.” I refuse to perform unless I am from the same Eurovision - or you know EARTHVISION - continent group as Shakira.

Rock songs in my busted-ass apartment

I sound like janis joplin

I can dance better than that when I’m not recording inside a rotting apartment maintained so badly that I think you can see the SPOT WHERE THE ROOF LEAKS. If not, happy to post photos.

If the USA wants to look good on TV I’ll sing/dance with my friends. Whoever wants to be on stage can be in my band. Zoom only. ONLY IF I GET A NICE APARTMENT THOUGH. You really want the image our nation projects to be a WOMAN WHO WORKED IN TECH but still lives in a building with a leaky roof, a pest problem, no elevator, no jhealthcare system, a dead dad, and a heartbreaking speech about how her own nation ruined her childhood?

i’ll ask if any of my friends want to be band members or dancers or record commentary or write essays or decorate sets or edit things or create graphics. no promises. they won’t work for free though.

i’ve made my demands clear. apartment - condo actually. nice big one. america killed my dad and fucked up my childhood so... give me real estate.

hit me up. make it quick.